Finally! Here are the Millesime Fragrances (which means blends of the "highest concentration of infused oils and best ingredients chosen, similar to the wine term "best of crop") that we will permanently keep at Lavish:
Fleurissimo - floral / fresh, created for Grace Kelly's wedding day
Love in White - floral/oriental, first bottle was given to former first lady, Laura Bush, currently Creed's biggest seller
Spring Flower - floral/fresh/fruity, made for Audrey Hepburn
Green Irish Tweed - green/woods/classic, one of the most popular of all time
Himalaya - woods oriental / fresh, created after Oliver creed's climbs in the Himalayas, masculine but clean
Original Vetiver - woody green / fresh, worn by JFK
Silver Mountain Water - water/ crisp, Oliver Creed's personal favorite
Imperial Millesime - citrus / floral
Original Santal - woody/oriental - known for its rare ingredient, Royal Indian Sandalwood
Virgin Island Water - fresh/citrus, won 4 out of 5 stars in a glowing review by The New York Times
Love in Black - violet/oriental inspired by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis